Monumenti Antichi
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Aim & scope

ISSN 0391-8084 Serie miscellanea
ISSN 0391-8092 Serie monografica

First published in 1890 Monumenti Antichi (MAL) is an international peer-reviewed series published by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. From 1971 onwards, Monumenti Antichi have been divided into two parallel subseries (serie miscellanea e serie monografica), each with its own numbering, whilst also maintaining the overall numbering.
The series publishes/original/monographs and anthologies, as well as analytical catalogues raisonés of material in the collections of museums and other public institutions. It also publishes monographs or edited volumes that offer cohesive surveys of specific objects, types of monuments, or regions in Mediterranean and classical archaeology.
The series published an average of one volume per year over the last 5 years.

Researchers and academics in Archaeology, History and Art History.

Series Editors

Paolo Sommella
Emeritus Professor at Sapienza Università di Roma (formerly Full Professor of the Topography of Ancient Italy)

Giovanni Colonna
Emeritus Professor of Etruscology and Italic Archaeology at Sapienza Università di Roma

Francesco D'Andria
Emeritus Professor at Università del Salento (formerly Full Professor of Archaeology and the History of Greek and Roman Art)

Pietro Giovanni Guzzo
Formerly Archaeological Superintendent at Ministero della Cultura

Dieter Mertens
Formerly Director of the German Archaeological Institute in Rome

Paola Pelagatti
Formerly Full Professor of Archaeology and the Methodology of Archaeological Research at Università della Tuscia (Viterbo)

Associate Editors
Alfonsina Russo
Representing Ministero della Cultura

Editorial Board
Angela Gallottini
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Publication ethics

The publication of a manuscript in a peer-reviewed work is expected to follow standards of ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: authors, editors, and reviewers.
We encourage you to direct questions and concerns to:

All manuscripts, archival materials, and supporting files, whether submitted to a peer-reviewed publication (book series, journal, or major reference work) or a primary source online collection, are expected to conform to the standards of ethical behavior promulgated by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics For the benefit of our authors, editors, reviewers, readership, and staff, we have listed below the most pressing ethical concerns facing the academic publishing community.

Types of Research Misconduct and Violations of Publication Ethics

The suppression of any text, argumentation, supporting materials (audio or visual), data, facts, reporting, citations, or any other materials for reasons of potential personal, professional, institutional, or governmental reprisals and not for reasons of merit or intellectual rigor. Self-censorship is widely recognized by the academic community as a form of censorship.

Conflicts of Interest
Incompatibility of aims, objectives, concerns, priorities, and advantages between parties often due to affiliation or official capacity, particularly when one or more parties stands to benefit materially or reputationally from such incompatibility. Furthermore, the individual with a conflict of interest is unable equitably to manage the actual or potential adverse effects of the conflict of interest on the other parties. Authors, editors, and reviewers have an ethical obligation to disclose conflicts of interest.

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Differential treatment of and conduct toward an individual or group of people based on their race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital and parental status, disability, sexual orientation, or genetic information.

Failure to Acknowledge resources
Includes all forms of plagiarism. Also includes intentionally or unintentionally omitting to cite irreproducible sources.

Multiple Manuscript Submission
Submitting the same manuscript to more than one publisher,or even to more than one publication at the same publisher, without full disclosure.

Reporting Cases of Research Misconduct or Violations of Publication Ethics
In cases of suspected or verified research misconduct or violations of publication ethics, the first course of action should always be to notify the responsible Acquisitions Editor or Publishing Director at Bretschneider. If this information is not readily available, you may also email; this mailbox is regularly monitored, and the responsible Bretschneider editor or director will follow up with you in a timely manner. You may always feel free to contact the lead non-Bretschneider editor of the publication in question as well; however, until instructed differently, Bretschneider staff will respect and safeguard the confidentiality of your communications.

Information for Authors

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei has a proud publishing history built on valued partnerships with authors to bring quality books to academic libraries, institutions and scholars throughout the world.

The Serie Miscellanea is intended for the illustration of individual monuments or groups of works of ancient art or particular studies on ancient documents of special importance.

The Serie Monografica (published from 1979 on ) is intended to receive definitive critical editions of excavations of large archaeological complexes, which may require one or more subsequent volumes.

The Editorial Board ensures the appropriate selection of peer reviewers, committing itself to ensuring the fairness, impartiality and timeliness of the peer review. The review process is double-blind.
It is the responsibility of the Editorial Board to ensure transparent and ethical processes.


If you are interested in publishing a book in the series, please contact:

Editorial board
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Palazzo Corsini - Via della Lungara, 10
00165 ROMA
tel. (39) 06 680271
Editorial office:

Orders and subscriptions
Giorgio Bretschneider Editore
Piazza Antonio Mancini, 4
00196 Roma
Tel. (39) 06 84383207

Elenco volumi
  36 results


I rinvenimenti numismatici dalle campagne di scavo 1959-2019

2023, pp. 439

  € 128,00  € 121,60

I Taccuini, II

Riproduzione anastatica e trascrizione
dei Taccuini 5-16

2022, pp. 709

  € 135,00  € 128,25

Falerii Veteres

Il sepolcreto di Montarano. Scavi, materiali e contesti

2022, pp. L-750 di testo

  € 149,00  € 141,55


Il tempio del Foro e il tempio suburbano sulla via Latina

2019, pp. 416

  € 149,00  € 141,55


La necropoli di San Martino in età Orientalizzante

2018, pp. 1300

  € 190,00  € 180,50

Castrum Inui

Il santuario di Inuus alla foce del Fosso dell'Incastro

2018, pp. 565

  € 220,00  € 209,00

I Taccuini, I

Riproduzione anastatica e trascrizione dei
taccuini 1-4

2018, pp. XXXI-118

  € 125,00  € 118,75

Il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio III

La cisterna arcaica con l'incluso deposito di età ellenistica (Scavi Santangelo 1945 e 1946 e Università di Roma "La Sapienza" 1996 e 2006)

2009, pp. 350

  € 149,00  € 141,55

Este II

La necropoli di Villa Benvenuti

2006, pp. 536

  € 260,00  € 247,00